Wednesday 12 March 2014

Video Editing - Week 06

This week in video editing, the aim was to use Autodesk MatchMover. We were given worksheets to instruct and guide us through the exercise.

The first exercise - Tracking an Image Sequence - went well. Some of the details in the worksheets were a bit confusing, but eventually it started to make sense, and I was able to render it as an image sequence. Overall the lesson was 'simple', aslong as I followed the guide exactly, there are many tiny details which are easy to miss out,

The second exercise - Using supervised , went better than the first I believed. Placing the track points, and subsequesent ones, and then editing them, was easy to get my head around after following the guide. Calibrating the camera  and creating coordinate system took a few attempts for me. It was mainly me just overlooking points, and then having to redo it, before adding the 3D objects.

The final exercise - Object-Based Tracking - went well. I successfully imported the 3D mesh, and set up the trackers and survey points. One thing I did wrong was forget to open the magnifier window, which caused me to hit a wall with the guides images, and waste a bit of time. But overall it went well, and I was capable to fulfil the goal of the lesson.

Overall I believe that I understood and learned how to do the lessons in the guides. It will take a few more attempts before Ill be able to do them without the guidebooks nearby, but will progress.

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