Thursday 6 March 2014

Graphic Design - Week 05

Session 1

In the first session we focused on the use of colour in Photoshop, another essential needed, along with composition, when creating a framed image. The aim was to colour in 3 templates, to show and practice with colour schemes.

Here are my results.



I believe that I've learnt the learning specifications of this task. Although I've experimented with colour many times before, and believe I can practically use it, I didn't know the correct terms for the schemes used until this weeks task. The task itself this week wasn't too difficult I thought, since it was just using the fill option mostly, with some smudge tool in the analogous.

Session 2

In the second session we continued with our colour work, by importing black and white images into photoshop, and then adding colour to create an atmosphere.

From a list of images provided we were to pick 3, and for each creating one of the 3 moods needed. Here are my results.

Moody and Dramatic

Light and Cheerful

Dark and Depressing

I believe the light and cheerful image is the best of my 3 attempts. But feel like the other 2 could use some work. The Dark and Depressing could perhaps use more colour, but as the image had a lot of dark with nothing visible, it was difficult to do more than I have done. I also didn't want to overdo the blue, and create an image that looked too much like a flooded street. Im fairly happy with the Moody and Dramatic image, but did make another attempt, but for a Light and Cheerful mood, I also added the colour onto the background instead of a multiple layer, to see the effect. I believe it came out well.

I believe it has a similar level of realism as my other Light and Cheerful image. I used examples of sunsets from online, and what I knew in my mind of how the lights meld together. Overall I believe I've been successful in this weeks work, and can effectively apply it to my future work.

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