Tuesday 11 March 2014

Self Initiated Work - Mech Arm Colour Schemes

I wanted to experiment with colour schemes again, after the weekly task where we focused on it. Therefore I imported a design of a mech arm from my sketchbook into Photoshop. Here is the  original image of the sketch that I built and worked on in photoshop:

As you can see, its just a photo snapped with my phone , and not as high quality as a scan, but since Id redraw it in photoshop, it didnt really matter, aslong as the lones were bold enough for me to see.

From there I redrew it in photoshop, and then experimented with the 3 colour schemes we focused on in one weekly task, to see which worked best.

Here are the three versions:




I believe all 3 work on the arm design in their own way. But I personally prefer the complementary colour scheme. I feel its more tactical, and in line with the mood and purpose of the arm when I first envisioned it attached to a battle mech. The anaologous scheme, to me, gives the impression that its a maintenance or support mech. While the triadic scheme doesnt give me an idea oh what 'role' the mech would have, but regardless I think the colours work well with eachother.

I feel this activity was beneficial, as its shown me that I dont always need go for an anaologous scheme when colouring in mechs or other robotic inspired designs. its also given me an idea to try and draw into Adobe Illustrator, instead of Photoshop, since it would be a better program to use, for the smaller files size alone.

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