Thursday 13 March 2014

Graphic Design - Week 06

This week the goal was to create 2 storyboards of 2 different scenes.

The first scene was -

'A man returns home, it is night time and there is a street lamp outside his house
He puts the key into the lock of his front door, it swings open, casting light from outside into the hallway. He tries to flick on the light switch, it doesn't work. The man looks to his right and notices there is a broken window. H etakes a few tentative steps forward, he notices that he telephone is off its hook, beeping. He gasps in surprise. A knife appears. Darkness.'
Here is my storyboard, which was asked to be 12 panels.

I felt like it could be better, and that some shots are a bit dull or common. I believe its more difficult to show suspense in storyboards than other moods. Although these storyboards are only rough ones, the images created need to be precise when trying to portray suspense in the scene. But I do feel like I've made good additions to the scene, such as the hat dropping when the camera shots in from the broken window.

The second scene was -

'A figure is standing on a ledge at the top of a tall building. Eyes closed, the the figure tips forward into the empty air, arms outstretched. Falling fast and uncontrolled, the the character's face looks scared and helpless... but then two large wings appear to unfold from its back, from beneath its long black coat. The character looks relieved and happy, and with its new wings fully extended, it glides off into the heart of the city...'

Here is my storyboard for it, which was asked to be 9 panels (or less if possible)

I feel this is better than my first one. I think its because I preferred this story, as it was more action orientated, rather than suspense. I also managed to fit it into 6 panels. I felt like the scene didnt need anymore shots and rather kept short and sweet, as the scene came across to me when I read it.

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