Saturday 8 March 2014

Self Initiated Work - Bionic Arms

Following my concept designs, I went to create perspective views of bionic/robotic arms. I decided to use them on photoshop, as the layering system would be useful when using photos of my own arms as a base to design the robotic elements on. I believe they came out well.

My first design was steampunk inspired, with exposed gears, tubes, lights and wiring, aswell as small smoke and steam chimneys.

I believe the analogous colour scheme I've used is appropriate, and in line with what is seen in 'steampunk' designs, with a deep earth colour to it, aswell as a copper feel. The open case and exposed internal wiring makes it more realistic I feel. There are a few problems with the design, the most obvious is the largest gear, its too large for the slot its meant for, and seems to have popped out. This was a rather silly mistake on my part, one that I didn't notice until it was finished. But overall I am happy with this design, and the perspective view adds to it. A view I will use in my second one.

Here is my second bionic arm. This time I went with a more futuristic feel.

I wanted to show the combination of metal and flesh in this design, which I believe I've done well. I had originally planned on having a clear screen covering the exposed flesh and bone, but felt it would've looked stupid, and out of the place with the colour and style of the arm.

I replaced the index finger with an entirely robotic segment, thin and sharp, to mix up the design of the hand, and create a more interesting and unique limb. It could be used when creating a 'story' if the design was worked on further, perhaps that it can be inserted into computers or hard drives and used to transfer files and data, or viruses for example. I also added in a yellow to make the design more appealing, Ive always thought yellow and a dark metallic complemented eachother.

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