Thursday 13 March 2014

3D Graphics - Week 06

This week our task was a challenge, to recreate one of 4 images in 3ds Max. After looking at the options, I decided to go with this image.

I went with this image since it seemed like a reasonable amount of difficulty, considering we only had 3 hours to do it. My initial thought was that the table cloth would be the most difficult object to create.

Here is a render of my results.

I am very happy with the result. I had luck with the cloth, as I managed to create the folds and creases relatively quickly, and similar to the folds in the image, although I didn't have the time to modify it to be fully under the bowl of grapes like it is in the image. The wine colour is also wrong, and should be a darker orange colour, but I couldn't find a middle ground between orange and red, and with the limited time frame went with the best I could get, the grape stem also needs to be changed to green. These problems are relatively small, so I'm not worried about them, since I know how to correct them, which is the main issue at the minute, getting to grips and understanding the software.

This was also the first time I had the camera animating. I feel like I did well with the it, although I feel like I could've done a better job at the lighting and shadows, and possibly the shine of the fruit, but with the 3 hour time frame I felt like I've done well.

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