Wednesday 26 February 2014

Workshop - Sculpting Session 01

For the first workshop session, we were introduced to Scupltris. A free virtual sculpting software. At first it seemed slightly daunting, but then seeing how simple and easy it is to sculpt something on it (after a thorough introduction) was much more comfortable to use.

With a step by step guide from our tutor, we sculpted a dragon/dinosaur head of some sort. Here is what I had at the end of the session.

I am very happy with what I've created, although if you were to ask me to replicate it from scratch, I probably couldn't, as it was mostly trial and error that led to this design. I did miss out one or two steps, mainly the tongue creation, although I did create it, I think I did it in the same layer(?) as the eyes, so when Id try to stretch it, the eyes would move as well.

Tonight I installed the software and attempted to finish the body, Here is what I have

I'm not too keen on it. I had envisioned it having wings, or atleast look more reptilian.Theres also a few problems with the sculpt, the legs joints especially. I also had a go at the hands, which I think look a little ridiculous, and couldnt get the leg claws down. But with more practice ill be able to do it.

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