Wednesday 5 February 2014

3D Graphics - Week 01 (Session 01)

The first activity we did on 3ds Max, was getting use to the layout of the program. As this was my first time using 3ds Max, the 4 viewpoint layout was a bit intimidating, but after working through each, their uses and option, aswell as the purpose of the 8 buttons in the bottom left corner.

Once we had familiarized ourselves with this, we experiment with the standrad primitive options available, and told to create around 6 different shapes on the same plain.

Once we had done this, we moved on to modifying the standard primitives using the modify tab.

With the modify tab, we could change the shape and size of the objects to add some complexity to them, aswell as to make them to a precise measurements, something that will be a necessity further in the semester.

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