Monday 24 February 2014

Self Initiated Work - Brief

For a while now, I have had an idea for a piece of work I wanted to do in my spare time, and feel I now have enough time and energy to invest into it.

The brief Ive initated for myself, is to create a detailed full body design of a bionic humanoid, which Id draw digitally. Using perspective photos of my limbs to experiment and prepare with, the final result would be a design for a humanoid shape, aswell as a design for an outer  'battle mech' suit, which the bionic humanoid could fit into, and operate. The main focus of the bionic design is to show equal part man and machine, and the combination and co operation of machinery and flesh. While the Battle mech will be completely robotic, with no biological or living parts. Although I may experiment with creating a 'living' mech, but it will be in addition to the main 2 designs the brief focuses on.

Hopefully by the end of this brief, Ill have created a realistic and practical design for a bionic humanoid, aswell as a battle mech to accompany it.

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