Wednesday 12 February 2014

Video Editing - Week 02

This week in video editing we looked at coding when rendering and exporting videos in Final Cut Pro. The goal this week was to create an exel spreadsheet report, documenting elements of the various coding we exported. This week we were to record 10 different encoding and document them in the spreadsheet. This is what my report currently looks like (12/02/14).

As you can see the render time and file size of the codecs vary greatly, even though it was the same 29 second video which was being exported. Some codecs are better that others, for example JPEG had a faster render time and image quality than DV-PAL, and is nearly half the file size.

Although I have included 10 codecs, I will be returning to this report and continuous adding to it as I progress through the semester, to better my understanding and confidence in which codec I should be exporting my work in, both now in university, and in my future career.

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